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Ternopil National Medical University

Ternopil is a very beautiful and peaceful city in western Ukraine. At this place, there are plenty of things which you can see here. This is considered the best place to learn and have fun. This city was founded by the Polish military stronghold in 1540 and got its rights in 1548. This city is located in the centre of western Ukraine has a population of about 220 thousand people. This city is very attractive as there is much old and the new architecture here. The lake which is made with the river flowing through it adds charm to this city. The lush green forests, parks, playing are some of the added natural features of this place. Thus nature and peace are all in what they deal with.

The land of this place is very fertile. Sugarcane, wheat, corns, and many other things are what one can grow on this land. Besides this Ternopil is the place which is also famous for industries. There are many food, textile, synthetic leather, clothes and electrical parts manufacturing industries. One can get all the transportation facilities from here. As it is the centre of Ukraine thus you can get the bus, train or flight to visit other famous places in Ukraine. 

When it comes to education, there are 4 universities, institutes, schools and colleges. Most of the students are attracted to this place. This city has a smaller area, which makes the students attend the classes that are within their walking distance. As more number of students from different countries come to Ternopil which makes it a diverse and multicultural city. This makes it known as the “student city”. It is the place where you get a high quality of education, better living and lives life happily and peacefully. So, when it comes to the study Ternopil is the best place.

All students who have a secondary school certificate have the right to get admission to Ternopil National Medical University.
We don’t require any specific marks or grades for admission to any course.

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